Thursday, December 30, 2010

Colton's testimony to Katee at her setting apart

Mom just read this at katees setting apart if its appropreat:
hello! there is someone who wanted to be here but obviously couldnt! its me colton! hello, well katee doesnt it just seem like YESTERDAY that this was happening to me!!!!! i just wanted to tell you how much i love you and how proud i am of you! you are my hero and yes this will be hard but you know that, and your doing it anyway! well i just want you to think of Joseph smith in liberty jail. he had it so rough kate and went through so much. and when he questioned where the lord had gone the lord said D&C 121;7-8 "Peace be unto thy soul, thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment, and then if you indure it well, god shalt exalt thea on high thy shalt triumph over thy foes." and its true katee through endureing these tough couple of months i have seen more blessings then ever! my faith and testimony has been strengthed so much! and i know and i study and work hard to learn more and help others my testimony and faith will grow even more! katee our father in heaven knows you more then you can even imagine he know where you should be, when you should be there and who you should be with! there is a reason for all things! i know it will be tough trust be im in the middle of it now. but soon you will see the blessings and miricals that can come from this work! katee just rely on what our father in heaven has given to us! pray and read your scriptures, i know you will because you have been the best example to me! i remember when i was little and i would see you every night pray and read your scriptures while my lazy but watched TV. when they say people are waiting and being prepaired for you it is soooo true! i have already met people who are so ready for the truth. well ill stop preaching now, just know how much i love you and i am so pruod of you. its okay to be sad and homesick just try not to dwell on those feelings, but i know its hard! katee i love you so much, you are a great example to me and our whole family. just go out there and give it all you have! this experiance will never come again. just remember he will be on your right hand and on your left his spirit WILL be in your heart and its a feeling you will love!!!!! and never want to go away! and HE WILL send his angles to round about you and bear you up! i promise you will feel his presence! and at the end you will want to say to him honestly "I have fought a good fight, i have finished the course, i have kept the faith!"  i love you and i will pray for you every day!! good luck you will be the best missionary ever!

1 comment:

  1. Cindy and Lee you have the most amazing kids ever! I hope we can raise ours to be as strong as yours are. So powerful! Thanks for sharing!
